Dekkia's Blog

Upgrading my Tolino Vision 6

2023-12-02, 22:26:53

I upgraded the internal storage on my ebook reader.

Turns it it's easier than you'd think but harder than it should be.

So I wrote a guide on how to do it:

2023-12-03, 11:33:13

The whole point of this exercise was to be able to put the entirety of the english-language wikipedia on it.

That thing is about 100GB in size.


The reason why I wanted to put wikipedia on it was because I recently started reading the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Having a device with the single biggest collection of human knowledge seemed funny.


After the hard part was over, I wanted to have some fun and went on to replacing the boot animation.

A tolino ebook reader with the words DON'T PANIC in large friendly letters on its display.
Above the text is the tolino logo and below is  a windows xp style loading bar. Below that is the powered by android logo.
A tolino ebook reader with the words DON'T PANIC in large friendly letters on its display. Above the text is the tolino logo and below is a windows xp style loading bar. Below that is the powered by android logo.


And here's what the animation looks like.

The same image as before, but now the loading bar is animated.


The actual image frames for the boot animation have a thicker border than on the device. That's because the Tolino Vision 6 overscans by around 100px on each side.


Now to the idle part of the process: getting Wikipedia on the device.

The Windows Copying-dialog telling me the process takes around 2 hours and 50 minutes in german.
The Windows Copying-dialog telling me the process takes around 2 hours and 50 minutes in german.


In retrospect, I should've done this when I had the SD card out.


In case someone stumbles over this thread and wants the files. Here you go:


Good news and bad news:

Good: The file transfer hasn't failed yet.
Bad: The Time estimation seems to be correct.

The same file-transfer window in windows, this time with 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining.
The same file-transfer window in windows, this time with 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining.


Landing confirmed.

The file is on the reader.


Now I just have to install an app to read that file.

I'm using for this. Since the fdroid version is outdated I downloaded it directly from their website and installed it over adb.


That wold've been to easy

Kiwix on the reader with the file  I copied being auto-detected
Kiwix on the reader with the file I copied being auto-detected
A message telling me that kiwix has crashed.
A message telling me that kiwix has crashed.


Ok maybe the file is just too big, I thought. So I tried the German language Wikipedia which has "only" 4,17GB. But that one crashed too.


And then I tried the top 100 articles without pictures which come in at 13,28MB. Instead of crashing and throwing an error, the app just closed.


Then I tried the 5-year-old version from Fdroid. That one doesn't even need me to open a file, because it just randomly restarts in the menu.


To figure out what's wrong I will need to take a look into logcat.

But I'm not feeling that today, so this is something for future me to do.


Side question:
The device has a black and white e-ink display and autostarts the main app which can't be closed normally.

Why does that app have an icon which is in color?

They do have an Android app for "normal" phones, but that one has a completely different icon. So they didn't just reuse it or something.

A cropped copy of a previous screenshot with an app called "tolino" and an icon that is partly colored.
A cropped copy of a previous screenshot with an app called "tolino" and an icon that is partly colored.
A screenshot of the app icon and name of the official app in the play store. The Icon doesn't look at all like the other one.
A screenshot of the app icon and name of the official app in the play store. The Icon doesn't look at all like the other one.


It might be that they found that yellow produces a better gray than any kind of gray they could use.


Or they're working on a version with a color e-ink behind the scenes. But even if that's the case it doesn't make sense since you can't see that Icon normally.


Except maybe the color variant has official support for 3rd party apps instead of people hacking it in as I did.